I read this very touching story of Rhett, a baby with down syndrome, from Matt's blog who also read about it from another friend's. I'd like to share Rhett's Journey too, and I hope it touches your hearts as it has mine. Rhett's father can't work because he has a back problem and needed surgery. And his mom can't work because she needs to take care of Rhett full-time, his eldest brother who has aspergers syndrome and two other siblings.
I admire parents like Pam who have so much strength and courage in going through all these trials, and have a very positive attitude.
Maybe it's the fact that my eldest son with learning difficulty had to go through a special school and I found myself exposed to special children with autism, down syndrome or other kind of disability, that I have such a soft spot for these children. It opened my eyes at how special these children really are and that despite their disabilities, many have such amazing talents. We only need to understand them and how they express themselves.
I admire parents like Pam who have so much strength and courage in going through all these trials, and have a very positive attitude.
Maybe it's the fact that my eldest son with learning difficulty had to go through a special school and I found myself exposed to special children with autism, down syndrome or other kind of disability, that I have such a soft spot for these children. It opened my eyes at how special these children really are and that despite their disabilities, many have such amazing talents. We only need to understand them and how they express themselves.
Hi from Denver, Lylin! I'm the friend of Matt's who wrote about Rhett's family; it's amazing that a post from a blogger in Denver led to a post from a blogger in NJ that led to a post from you in the Philippines. And now I get to read more about your life there simply by discovering your blog. My husband is scheduled to travel to Manila soon; he's been there before and always finds the culture interesting. I'm looking forward to reading more of your writings! And thanks so much for helping to spread the word about Rhett's family. They really are incredible. Karen
Hello Karen, thanks for sharing Rhett's story. I always say every little bit helps...even just spreading the word around. And now his story is reaching more people and I hope it helps others understand and reach out, too. Thanks for your comment. :)
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