I just read that there was heavy flooding in Bolivia recently and about 57,000 families were affected. Meteorologists blame the La Niña phenomenon for fueling torrential rains and massive flooding across Bolivia's Amazon region during recent weeks. Last year, a similar flooding also happened that displaced thousands of families from their homes. Prior to that, there was also political upheaval that took place causing some establishments to temporarily close down and people to stay home for days for safety reasons.
The World Vision there is now working with the World Food Program to distribute 5,000tons of food aid to feed 27,000 flood-devastated families during the next three months. Most of the families hit hardest there are among the poorest of the poor in South America's most destitute nation. Some 10,600 families also have lost their crops — their main source of livelihood. Because of damaged roads, delivering aid to survivors is fraught with challenges. Meanwhile, concerns are building about disease outbreaks caused by standing water.
News like these always worry me a bit. My sister has been residing there for over 10 years doing her missionary work. I still have to hear news from her. I hope she's doing well....
Lylin, please post when you hear from your sister! And thanks for this post...the news here in the U.S. is overrun with politics right now. K.
Hello Karen, my sister sent a message the day after I e-mailed her and she's fine. The flooding was quite far from where she lives. But everyone there was mobilized to help the flood victims. The flooding is something rare in Bolivia. It really is a phenomenon.
Thanks for your concern and comment. :)
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