Saturday, December 16, 2006

Banners of Hope...

I cried as I watched these videos of children with cancer. I hope it will inspire others and touch their hearts as they did mine. I have great admiration and respect for the families of these children who give and show so much strength and support for them, as well as the many faceless people with kind hearts who bring joy and smiles to these children's innocent faces.

When my friend's wife was still alive, she and I spoke about my friend's active involvement in charity work for orphanages and hospices. She and I both agreed then that we'd have a hard time interacting with sick people in a hospice the way he did, knowing and seeing that most of these people, mostly children, didn't have long to live. But my friend often said, "It isn't a sad place, Marilyn. When you go there, you see the children laughing and playing. And we are all like one big happy family." He described how nice the place was, how everyone tried to help and comfort each other, and that knowing these children will live another day longer because of the support of people who love and care for them is enough reason to be happy.

I remember him talking about a teenage boy with bone cancer who loved to make espresso. He said he must have drank 4 cups of espresso everytime he visited the boy. And there was a little boy with a nerve muscle problem...he said it made everything worth it whenever the boy's eyes showed a happy reaction to his singing. It was the only sign of reaction from the little boy and it made the boy's mother very happy.

As always, I'm emotional. But my friend was right...seeing that smile or laughter from a sick little child is all worth the time and effort spent with these children.

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