Monday, December 18, 2006

How Much Do We Know About DARFUR?

How much do I know about Darfur? Not much...until I read about it in a friend's Blog and the Yahoo news about George Clooney making a stand on Darfur, asking support to help save the people there. The Darfur wesbite, was very informative.

Most of the videos I found on the net are those we never really get to see on tv and are so depressing that I couldn't get myself to view some of them in full. Some have called the Darfur tragedy a holocaust of the 21st century. And last August 2006, even the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces were not allowed entry into Sudan.

I have seen some of the pictures before being spread around via e-mail but I never really looked at them. They were so depressing to look at that I had to tell my friend how affected I was about it...yet I did nothing then to help make a difference. I wanted to forget what I had seen.

But there was a picture of a little child that I never forgot. He was sitting lifeless with his head bent on his knees and a large hawk stood behind him, looking and waiting to take him as prey. I remember putting my hand to my mouth in shock when the picture first flashed on my screen. Today, I didn't react differently when I saw it again. There were pictures much worse and so horrid that I know I will never be able to bring myself to post them here. But they're real, they happened and apparently continue to happen to this day.

When a Darfur child was asked by a reporter on what he wants to say to the world if given a chance, the child answered,

"We are here. Please don't forget us."

Those words touched me more than anything else...because I did try to forget. And I hope it isn't too late to start now.

Be a voice for those who have none. We CAN make a difference.

This is happening...

A Teen's View of Darfur


Matthew May said...

I agree, it is terrible what is happening over there, am I thankful for friends of humanity, like yourself who see the problem and want to help, we need more people like you in this world.

Thank you for this post. :)

Lylin Aguas said...

Matt, thank you. I closed my eyes on this reality for a while. I think many people do because of the horridness. But we should all really be doing something about it.