Saturday, June 09, 2007

ONE is launching ONE Vote '08

It was nice to get an e-mail from Aaron Banks the other day and to be asked to join the launching of ONE Vote '08 in Washington. I am unfortunately, over 8,000 miles away. I am also not an American. But as I mentioned in my reply to his e-mail, I have always supported ONE's cause and will continue to do so.

Aaron included more information about the June 11 event. I'm sharing his e-mail with you. I hope others who do have the opportunity to be in Washington on June 11 for the launching of ONE Vote '08 can join this event.


On 6/7/07, Aaron Banks <> wrote:

Dear Lylin,

On June 11th, the ONE Campaign is launching ONE Vote '08, an unprecedented high-energy, high tech campaign to mobilize ONE's more than 2 million members from all 50 states to engage Presidential candidates and voters and put global health and extreme poverty at the forefront of the 2008 Campaign. The launch event will include a press conference with our ONE Vote '08 co-chairs, Senators Frist and Daschle, national faith leaders, African aid workers, our early primary state co-chairs and campaign managers, and some very special surprise guests. The event is at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 3rd and A Street SE in Washington, DC on Monday, June 11th at 11:15 AM, doors open at 10:45 AM.

We really appreciate all the work you've done with the ONE Campaign, including your recent promotion of American Idol Gives Back, and if you're in Washington, DC, we hope you'll be able to join us for this event, the kick-off to our most ambitious initiative to date. I've included more in-depth background material below that you should feel free to use in your writing. And please pass this invitation along to anyone who shares our concern for saving lives by ending global disease and poverty.


Aaron Banks

Online Campaign Coordinator The One Campaign
1400 Eye Street NW Suite 601 Washington, DC 20005
Direct 202-552-8039 Cell 202-615-8577

ABOUT ONE Vote '08
Mobilizing Voters to Save Lives and Secure our Future

ONE Vote '08 is an unprecedented, non-partisan campaign to make global health and extreme poverty foreign policy priorities in the 2008 presidential election.

The next president will take office in a time of great hope: there are effective and affordable solutions that save lives. AIDS drugs can now cost as little as $1 a day. A $5 bed net can keep a child from dying from a mosquito bite. With the force of more than 2 million members from all 50 states and a coalition of more than 100 non-profit, religious and charitable groups, ONE Vote '08 will educate and mobilize voters to ensure that the next American president is committed to using "smart" power to end global poverty and keep America strong.

ONE Vote '08 is part of ONE, a broad and growing movement of Americans from every state and walk of life. More than 2 million people have added their voices to ONE by visiting

Learn more about effective, affordable solutions that save lives and how you can help.


ONE Vote '08: Mobilizing Voters to Save Lives and Secure our Future

Five Achievable Goals in the Fight Against Extreme Poverty

Unlike many issues in the 2008 presidential campaign, there aren't two sides to these issues only ONE. The 2008 presidential election provides a not-to-be missed opportunity to raise awareness about global poverty and its impact on America's global reputation and future security. Through the 2008 campaign, we have a chance to shape our foreign policy for years to come.

ONE Vote '08 has developed a presidential platform of achievable solutions that " if championed by the next U.S. president " could have a profound impact on the poorest people in the world. The platform is built on the foundation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed to in 2000 by the United States and 188 other nations to achieve poverty reduction and sustainable development by 2015.

ONE Vote 08 focuses on five achievable goals that are fully costed and proven and can have a rapid impact on the ground. If the U.S. takes a leading role, in an effective partnership with other donors and poor countries, these cost effective solutions could achieve the following:

1. Save 16,000 lives a day by fighting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, three of the world's most devastating diseases.

2. Prevent 5.4 million young children from dying each year from poverty-related illnesses and 400,000 women from dying in childbirth each year.

3. Provide free access to primary education for 77 million out-of-school children with a special emphasis on girls.

4. Improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations by, for example, providing access to clean water for 450 million people and basic sanitation to more than 700 million people.

5. Reduce by half the number of people in the world who suffer from hunger, resulting in 300 million less hungry people each year.


Matthew May said...

Great post Lylin, thanks for the link and the news! :)

Lylin Aguas said...

You're welcome Matt. And thanks for dropping by my blog.:)