Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Is it Ok to Whine?

There are just days when everything seems to drain me of energy and my biorhythm seems to be all down. I thought of hibernating again for a while but if I did that, it would be too early to leave a Merry Christmas note.
I've tried composing a new entry 3 different times the last 2 days but I can't seem to make it through to the end. The ending always didn't turn out to be how I wanted it.

I've been reflecting lately about the meaning of life, and what I want to make of it. Whenever I see all those people on the streets who have no homes nor regular food to fill their hungry stomachs, I ask myself...why am I whining? I have so much more than they have, I can support my family on my own, I am not rich but certainly a lot better off than they are.

Maybe it's human nature to never be satisfied with what one has, to always look for something more and better. All these could just be material things...the tangibles that can more easily be remedied. But what of the intangibles... those that touch one's emotions, sensibilities and peace of mind? Should it then be alright to sometimes whine for these reasons? I ask myself this question whenever I see people who are so deprived of the basic necessities in life and I find myself troubled over personal things. But sometimes it's dealing with the emotional aspect of life that makes it harder to cope. There seems to be something missing. Sometimes if we're lucky, we find an inspiration to hold on to that gives us the strength to go on. Then things become better again and we go on as things are.

A friend once told me it was ok to whine. Everyone has ups and downs. I am certainly no different. But I seldom whine and tend to keep things to myself as much as I can. I know that makes it harder for me to cope with things at times. But even a quiet cry helps...and talking to the few close friends that I have.

I know I still have to take action on things I have decided on. It's always the first step that's the hardest to take and I'd like to do that really soon. But would that make a difference now? Sometimes it's my lack of faith and belief in myself that draws me back. I've always needed a push at things like this. But I know I can make it, I've been told often enough.

Meanwhile, I will ponder over what worthwile Christmas project I can have for my kids to work on. I want them to grow up aware of the realities around them. My friend once told me I am overprotective and that I can't protect my children all their lives. I know it's true. They have been so sheltered and they whine at the least bit of inconvenience. That's why I appreciate the outreach programs they are being exposed to in school and the camping and retreat activities that teach them to be independent.

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