Friday, December 21, 2007

Historic $2.4B Aid Increase Passes House!

I thought the Christmas Greeting was going to be my last entry for the year but I guess this good news is something I cannot let pass without saying something about it.

Last night the US House voted to pass the Senate’s version of the fiscal year 2008 omnibus spending bill. The legislation includes a historic $2.4 billion increase for global poverty programs - money that will literally save thousands of lives.

This was something that organizations like ONE and World Vision have been lobbying for. Now another work begins....for the people to be vigilant and make sure the funds go to the people who should benefit most from it.


Unknown said...

This is fantastic news! It gives me some confidence that maybe this congress and this administration can get something of value done.

Lylin Aguas said...

Steve,I certainly hope so, too. Thanks for the comment :)